智商董事会。2)如果您目前正在参加识字课并要求学生提出写作,那么您应该注意。选择刷子工具时,请询问几个学生写作,在此过程中您没有选择任何其他工具。学生的措辞真的很糟糕,但幸运的是,它可以调整,让这些词看起来不错,在这里你可能会头疼。因为当要选择未写入的单词时,还会选择其他单词,这是完全出乎意料的。事实上,您一直在使用那种刷子,它尚未在中间替换。白板软件将把此过程中写入的内容作为一个对象,而不是您认为有多少单词的单词。解决方案是要记住在使用一次后单击选择工具,然后选择刚刚使用的工具。那么上述情况不会发生。当然,您可以在切换工具时单击其他工具,只要您记得立即更换.3)您可以通过选择多个对象来缩放,删除,克隆等多个对象,而不是执行类似的操作一次一个对象。 ...8. Locking is thesame literacy class. If you drag a field from the public gallery and you don't want to change it in the next operation, you can lock it. To do this, select the object you want to lock, click the Edit menu button in the upper right corner, and select "Lock" in its pop-up menu. The focus frame of the locked object becomes red after locking. Unlocking You can unlock by following the lock step and clicking the lock button again.9. Combining Splitting andCombining You can combine multiple objects into one whole by combining them, and then operate on this whole, just like operating an object. Combination functions are also very common, but for beginners, they don't understand their intentions. Using combinations can greatly improve the efficiency of certain aspects. Imagine that the car was just a bunch of scattered parts before assembly, and it was impossible to play the car as a whole. The method of combination is to select multiple objects (if there is only one object, there is no need to combine them), click the Edit menu button in the upper right corner of a selected object, and select " Combination " in its pop-up menu.
IQ Directors.IQAIO GR519高度集成,与多点红外交互式白板,中央控制系统,无线麦克风,立体声放大器系统,OPS等设备,以及投影机一起形成完美的多媒体教室解决方案。
支持gesture recognition:
成本效益:只有投影机,IQAIO GR519可以形成一个完美的课堂解决方案。
No complicated devices connection: save much time for classroom devices management before teaching.