触摸屏交互式自动售货机。其结构由两个高度透明的导电层组成,通常下层是ITO玻璃(通常称为ItoGlass),并且上层是ITO薄膜材料(通常称为itOfilm),其通过细绝缘点分离中间。目前,市场上有产品在两侧使用ITO玻璃或其他透明ITO材料。当触摸屏的表面没有压力时,上层和下层被绝缘;一旦将压力施加到触摸屏,就会进行上部和下电路。此时,控制器在X坐标方向和Y坐标方向上施加驱动电压以检测触点的XY坐标,从而阐明触点的位置。通过粘合密封电阻触摸屏的上层和下层。信号是在三明治中间产生的,因此可以保护灰尘,水和污垢,具有良好的性能。目前,电阻触摸屏的制造技术也取得了很大进展。通常使用大规模的生产过程。 The batch consistency of products has obvious advantages in various touch screens. This is also the fact that resistive touch screens can meet large quantities. Important reasons for supporting products. The technical principle of the resistive touch screen will be explained in detail in the text of the next section.
触摸屏交互式自动售货机。其结构由两个高度透明的导电层组成,通常下层是ITO玻璃(通常称为ItoGlass),并且上层是ITO薄膜材料(通常称为itOfilm),其通过细绝缘点分离中间。目前,市场上有产品在两侧使用ITO玻璃或其他透明ITO材料。当触摸屏的表面没有压力时,上层和下层被绝缘;一旦将压力施加到触摸屏,就会进行上部和下电路。此时,控制器在X坐标方向和Y坐标方向上施加驱动电压以检测触点的XY坐标,从而阐明触点的位置。通过粘合密封电阻触摸屏的上层和下层。信号是在三明治中间产生的,因此可以保护灰尘,水和污垢,具有良好的性能。目前,电阻触摸屏的制造技术也取得了很大进展。通常使用大规模的生产过程。 The batch consistency of products has obvious advantages in various touch screens. This is also the fact that resistive touch screens can meet large quantities. Important reasons for supporting products. The technical principle of the resistive touch screen will be explained in detail in the text of the next section. IQTouch K interactive touch screen feature 20-point touch and dual system -- Android 8.0 system and optional OPS Windows 10Pro system. Its 4K UHD resolution facilitates presentations and collaboration. With optional multi-screen casting software, IQClass 6.0 and installation-free IQClass Plus software, IQTouch K Series can help create an interactive and collaborative teaching atmosphere in class.
Stunning 4K UHD can display a cystal clear image on
Built-in Whiteboard software under Android system allow to do
Enable to annotate under Android system and
Windows system.