12 touch screen displays.完整的英文名称是封面胶卷。这是已使用的不良技术。它只是完全层压和不充实层压之间的技术。尽管该名称是GFF完全层压技术,但如果从严格的意义上讲,它是完全正确的技术。GFF技术使用表面玻璃粘合触摸屏和ITO导电膜X,然后触摸屏和ITO导电膜Y,然后到达LCD层,总计5层。小米2S和小米3确实使用OGS充分层压,而Redmi,Xiaomi 2a和Redmi注意使用GFF完全层压。该技术的成本低和高产,主要用于低端小屋。GFF技术与OGS技术之间的差距可以看见。以最直观的比喻。当您对GFF屏幕进行YouManiped时,您会发现屏幕显示层比使用OGS技术的颜色要深。 It is not so natural, and there is no OGS.The patterns and icons on the screen are like the tentacles that can be felt on the screen, and the middle is separated by glass like the non-full-fitting type ( ps : a 5- layer screen is better than a 2- layer screen OK, everyone understands).
12 touch screen displays.完整的英文名称是封面胶卷。这是已使用的不良技术。它只是完全层压和不充实层压之间的技术。尽管该名称是GFF完全层压技术,但如果从严格的意义上讲,它是完全正确的技术。GFF技术使用表面玻璃粘合触摸屏和ITO导电膜X,然后触摸屏和ITO导电膜Y,然后到达LCD层,总计5层。小米2S和小米3确实使用OGS充分层压,而Redmi,Xiaomi 2a和Redmi注意使用GFF完全层压。该技术的成本低和高产,主要用于低端小屋。GFF技术与OGS技术之间的差距可以看见。以最直观的比喻。当您对GFF屏幕进行YouManiped时,您会发现屏幕显示层比使用OGS技术的颜色要深。 It is not so natural, and there is no OGS.The patterns and icons on the screen are like the tentacles that can be felt on the screen, and the middle is separated by glass like the non-full-fitting type ( ps : a 5- layer screen is better than a 2- layer screen OK, everyone understands). IQTouch K interactive touch screen feature 20-point touch and dual system -- Android 8.0 system and optional OPS Windows 10Pro system. Its 4K UHD resolution facilitates presentations and collaboration. With optional multi-screen casting software, IQClass 6.0 and installation-free IQClass Plus software, IQTouch K Series can help create an interactive and collaborative teaching atmosphere in class.
Stunning 4K UHD can display a cystal clear image on
Enable an interactive and collaborative teaching atmosphere
in classroom.
and your devices can control the screen wirelessly.
Built-in Whiteboard software under Android system allow to do
two separate screen teaching and three separate screen teaching.
Enable to annotate under Android system and
Support to lock screen and lock power on/off button
to avoid student malfunction and secure privacy.