
笔记本电脑触摸屏显示。随着多媒体信息查询的增多,人们越来越多地谈论触摸屏,因为触摸屏不仅适合我国的多媒体信息查询的国情,而且还具有坚固耐用、响应快、节省空间、便于沟通等诸多优点。通过这项技术,我们的用户只需用手指触摸电脑显示屏上的图标或文字,就可以轻松操作主机,使人机交互更加直观。这项技术极大地方便了那些不懂计算机的人。用户。??触摸屏作为一种最新的计算机输入设备,是最简单、最方便、最自然的人机交互方式。它赋予多媒体以全新的面貌,是一种极具吸引力的新型多媒体交互设备。触摸屏在我国的应用范围非常广泛,主要用于公共信息查询;如电信局、税务局、银行、电力等部门的业务查询;城市街道信息查询; it is also used for leading office, industrial control, military command, Video games, song and order, multimedia teaching, real estate pre-sale, etc. In the future, touch screens will enter the home. With the increasing use of computers as information sources, touch screens have the advantages of being easy to use, rugged, fast, and space-saving, making system designers more and more feel that using touch screens does have considerable advantages. It has only been a few years since the touch screen appeared in the Chinese market. This new multimedia device has not been contacted and understood by many people, including some system designers who are planning to use the touch screen. They also consider the touch screen as optional. Judging from the popularity of touch screens in developed countries and the stage in which China's multimedia information industry is currently in existence, this concept is still universal. In fact, the touch screen is a device that transforms multimedia information or control. It gives the multimedia system a new look and is a very attractive new multimedia interactive device. System designers in developed countries and China ??s first system designers using touch screens have clearly known that touch screens are no longer indispensable for computers in various application fields, but are indispensable devices. It greatly simplifies the use of computers. Even people who do n??t know anything about computers can still handle them with ease, and make computers show more charm. It solves problems that computers cannot solve in the public information market.

IQTouch K交互式显示

笔记本电脑触摸屏显示。随着多媒体信息查询的增多,人们越来越多地谈论触摸屏,因为触摸屏不仅适合我国的多媒体信息查询的国情,而且还具有坚固耐用、响应快、节省空间、便于沟通等诸多优点。通过这项技术,我们的用户只需用手指触摸电脑显示屏上的图标或文字,就可以轻松操作主机,使人机交互更加直观。这项技术极大地方便了那些不懂计算机的人。用户。??触摸屏作为一种最新的计算机输入设备,是最简单、最方便、最自然的人机交互方式。它赋予多媒体以全新的面貌,是一种极具吸引力的新型多媒体交互设备。触摸屏在我国的应用范围非常广泛,主要用于公共信息查询;如电信局、税务局、银行、电力等部门的业务查询;城市街道信息查询; it is also used for leading office, industrial control, military command, Video games, song and order, multimedia teaching, real estate pre-sale, etc. In the future, touch screens will enter the home. With the increasing use of computers as information sources, touch screens have the advantages of being easy to use, rugged, fast, and space-saving, making system designers more and more feel that using touch screens does have considerable advantages. It has only been a few years since the touch screen appeared in the Chinese market. This new multimedia device has not been contacted and understood by many people, including some system designers who are planning to use the touch screen. They also consider the touch screen as optional. Judging from the popularity of touch screens in developed countries and the stage in which China's multimedia information industry is currently in existence, this concept is still universal. In fact, the touch screen is a device that transforms multimedia information or control. It gives the multimedia system a new look and is a very attractive new multimedia interactive device. System designers in developed countries and China ??s first system designers using touch screens have clearly known that touch screens are no longer indispensable for computers in various application fields, but are indispensable devices. It greatly simplifies the use of computers. Even people who do n??t know anything about computers can still handle them with ease, and make computers show more charm. It solves problems that computers cannot solve in the public information market. IQTouch K interactive touch screen feature 20-point touch and dual system -- Android 8.0 system and optional OPS Windows 10Pro system. Its 4K UHD resolution facilitates presentations and collaboration. With optional multi-screen casting software, IQClass 6.0 and installation-free IQClass Plus software, IQTouch K Series can help create an interactive and collaborative teaching atmosphere in class.


让我们看看IQTouch K互动显示器

4 k UHD显示














